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Buying Time 2020

A compilation of television advertisements from the 2020 state supreme court elections.

Published: February 4, 2020

During the 2020 elec­tion cycle, the Bren­nan Center for Justice will release tele­vi­sion advert­ise­ments and spend­ing figures for state supreme court elec­tions. Since 2000, the Bren­nan Center has been using this inform­a­tion to publish compre­hens­ive analyses of special interest money and tele­vi­sion spend­ing in judi­cial elec­tions. These analyses have culmin­ated in ten iter­a­tions of the Polit­ics of Judi­cial Elec­tions report series: 2000200220042006Decade Report2009–102011–122013–142015–16, and 2017–18.

This year’s advert­ise­ments are avail­able for view­ing on the web on each state’s Buying Time page. TV ads are provided by Kantar Media/CMAG. 

Spend­ing figures are included from multiple sources—in­clud­ing disclos­ure docu­ments from state disclos­ure data­bases, ad purchase contracts posted by the FCC, and estim­ates provided by Kantar Media/CMAG. Each page will make clear the sources used for each estim­ate

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State Break­downs

Alabama | Arkan­sas | Illinois | West Virginia | Wiscon­sin | North Caro­lina | Michigan | Ohio | Texas | Nevada | New Mexico | Louisi­ana


Data on ad airings and spend­ing on ads are calcu­lated and prepared by Kantar Media/CMAG, which captures satel­lite data in the nation’s largest media markets. CMAG’s estim­ates do not reflect ad agency commis­sions or the costs of produ­cing advert­ise­ments, nor do they reflect the cost of ad buys on local cable chan­nels. Cost estim­ates are revised by Kantar Media/CMAG when it receives updated data, result­ing in some fluc­tu­ations in the repor­ted ad spend­ing. 

Data on spend­ing on ads was also compiled from ad purchase contracts posted by the FCC and from state disclos­ure data­bases when avail­able.