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Webinar: What Caused the Crime Decline?

The Brennan Center recently hosted a webinar for state advocates to explain how the findings from our recent report What Caused the Crime Decline? can be applied to different types of legislation in many states this year.

Published: February 27, 2015

The Brennan Center recently released a report What Caused the Crime Decline?, which shows that the explosion in incarceration since 1990 had a limited impact on the dramatic drop in crime. The findings rebut the assumption that mass incarceration caused crime to decline. The report also shows that increased numbers of police officers, some data-driven policing techniques, changes in income, decreased alcohol consumption, and an aging population had a positive impact on reducing crime. For more information see our state fact sheets, as well as The Atlantic, Washington PostNew York Times, and Vox.

In this webinar, the economics and legal team behind the report discuss the findings and implications for upcoming state legislation. The presenters walk through how the report’s findings can be used to achieve fair and efficient criminal justice policies.

Webinar: What Caused The Crime Decline?