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Voting Systems Legislation in the 110th Congress

Published: January 26, 2009
Bill No. Short Title Sponsors Date Introduced Related Bills Description
S. 559
Voting Integrity and Verification Act of 2007 Nelson February 13, 2007
H.R. 811 In addition to other things, this bill would amend HAVA to for the purpose of increasing voting system security.  It would mandate voter-verifiable paper ballots and disability accessible alternatives to paper ballots that could be preserved for manual audits and recounts.  It would establish federal enforcement mechanisms for violations.  Generally, the paper ballots would be considered the official vote record, except where the paper ballots could be shown to be compromised “by clear and convincing evidence.”  This bill would also establish minimum security requirements for voting systems and minimum procedural requirements for the administration of elections relating to voting technology including detailed guidelines for conducting audits.
S. 730
Voting Opportunity and Technology Enhancement Act of 2007 Dodd
March 1, 2007
  Among other things, this omnibus election reform bill would mandate voter-verifiable records on all voting systems including means of verification for people with disabilities.
S. 804
Count Every Vote Act of 2007 Clinton
March 7, 2007
H.R. 1381 Among other things, this omnibus election reform bill would require the creation or use of durable voter-verifiable paper ballots, including disability and language minority accessible options, on all voting machines preserved for the purpose of manual audits. These ballots would be the “true and correct” vote in the event of inconsistencies between the electronic tally and the hand tally, unless it can be demonstrated that the paper ballots have been compromised by “clear and convincing” evidence.  It would also require random, unannounced, manual, mandatory recounts of the voter-verified paper ballots.  Each state would have a designated “chief auditor” to administrate the audits.  This bill would also mandate other procedures and standards to ensure the security and reliability of voting systems.  In the event of voting equipment failure or other circumstances that cause unreasonable delays at the poll site, this bill would provide for emergency paper ballots.
S. 1487
Ballot Integrity Act of 2007 Feinstein
May 24, 2007
  Among other things, this omnibus election reform bill would amend HAVA to require voter-verified paper records on all voting systems.  It would put a moratorium on the purchase of voting systems by states and jurisdictions that do not produce a voter-verified paper record and provide federal funding to states to meet these requirements.  This bill would also mandate other procedures and standards to ensure the security and reliability of voting systems.  It would require random, transparent manual audits of 2 percent of precincts in each state and publicly report on audit results.  Where electronic voting machines are used, the audit would consist of manual counts of voter-verified paper records compared to electronic tallies of voting machines.
S. 1869
Voting Integrity and Verification Act of 2007 Ensign July 25, 2007
  This bill would amend HAVA to require voting machines purchased after 2012 to produce voter-verifiable paper records.  It would also require manual audits of the voter-verified paper records.  If there are inconsistencies between the electronic vote tallies and the voter-verified paper records, the paper records are the true record of votes cast.  This bill would also establish a program to award cash prizes to individuals who improve the accessibility of voting machines for people with disabilities.
S. 2295
Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act of 2007 Nelson
November 1, 2007
H.R. 811 This bill would require voting systems to produce a voter-verifiable paper records and mandatory manual audits of such records.  It also requires the study of accessible ballot verification mechanisms and certain security policies with respect to voting system technologies and conflicts of interest.  This bill would require election officials to offer pre-printed blank paper ballots in polling places.  This bill would prohibit the use of paperless DRE voting machines in federal elections in 2012 and subsequent years.
H.R. 811
Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act of 2007 Holt
February 6, 2007
S. 559, S. 2295 This bill would amend HAVA to for the purpose of increasing voting system security.  It would mandate voter-verifiable paper ballots and disability accessible alternatives to paper ballots that could be preserved for manual audits and recounts.  It would establish federal enforcement mechanisms for violations.  Generally, the paper ballots would be considered the official vote record, except where the paper ballots could be shown to be compromised.  This bill would also establish minimum security requirements for voting systems and minimum procedural requirements for the administration of elections relating to voting technology including detailed guidelines for conducting audits.
H.R. 879
Verifying the Outcome of Tomorrow’s Elections Act of 2007 Feeney February 7, 2007
  Among other things, this bill would mandate regular testing of vote tabulation equipment.  It would also require criminal background checks of any individual involved in the tabulation of votes or the certification of the vote tabulation.  This bill would also mandate auditable paper records on all voting systems.
H.R. 1381
Count Every Vote Act of 2007 Tubbs Jones
March 7, 2007
S. 804 Among other things, this omnibus election reform bill would require the creation or use of durable voter-verifiable paper ballots, including disability and language minority accessible options, on all voting machines preserved for the purpose of manual audits. These ballots would be the “true and correct” vote in the event of inconsistencies between the electronic tally and the hand tally, unless it can be demonstrated that the paper ballots have been compromised by “clear and convincing” evidence.  This bill would require random, unannounced, manual, mandatory recounts of the voter-verified paper ballots.  Each state would have a designated “chief auditor” to administrate the audits.  This bill would also mandate other procedures and standards to ensure the security and reliability of voting systems.  It would provide for emergency ballots in the event of voting equipment failure or other circumstances that cause unreasonable
H.R. 3500
Know Your Vote Counts Act of 2007 King September 7, 2007
  This bill would require voting machines to produce auditable voter-verifiable paper records.  The paper records would serve as the permanent record of the vote.
H.R. 5036
Emergency Assistance for Secure Elections Act of 2008 Holt
January 17, 2008
  This bill would establish funds to reimburse to certain jurisdictions for the costs of implementing paper voting systems for the November 2008 elections.  It would also establish funds to reimburse jurisdictions for the costs of conducting post-election audits as described in the bill.