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Voter Caging Legislation in the 111th Congress

Published: October 2, 2009
Bill No.Short TitleSponsorsDate IntroducedRelated BillsDescription
H.R. 103Caging Prohibition Act of 2009 [view bill text]Rep. Conyers and 12 co-sponsors [view all]January 6, 2009 [view status]S. 528This bill would prohibit election officials from preventing individuals from registering to vote or voting in any federal election or from permitting formal voter challenges to voters’ registration status or eligibility if the basis of information gathered from voter caging documents or lists or unverified match lists. It would also establish requirements of individuals who wish to challenge the voter eligibility of another individual and prohibit challenges based on voter caging documents or lists or unverified match lists.
S. 528 Caging Prohibition Act of 2009 [view bill text]Sen. Whitehouse and 12 co-sponsors [view all]March 5, 2009 [view status]H.R. 103This bill would prohibit state or local election officials from preventing an individual from registering or voting (including by provisional ballot) in any election for federal office, or permitting a formal challenge under state law to an individual’s registration status or eligibility to vote in a federal election, if the sole basis for such decision or challenge is evidence consisting of: (1) a voter caging document or voter caging list; (2) an unverified match list; (3) the foreclosure status of the individual’s residence; or (4) certain information indicating a change of residence.