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Federal Election Reform | Legislation

This page provides detailed information about all election reform legislation in the 109th, 110th, 111th and 112th (current) Congresses. It includes detailed bill summaries, including information about co-sponsors and related bills. Bills are also organized into easy-to-read tables by issue. There are also links to more detailed pages about select bills.

Published: July 31, 2013

This page provides detailed information about all election reform legislation introduced in the 109th, 110th, 111th, 112th and 113th (current) Congresses. A downloadable PDF for each Congress includes detailed election bill summaries, and links to Thomas, where the full bill text, a list of co-sponsors, and information on a bill’s current status in Congress can be found. The document of election bills pending in the current Congress will be updated regularly. Please visit again for updates.

Legislation Introduced in the 113th Congress

Click here to see Federal Election Reform legislation introduced so far in the 113th Congress

Follow the links below for information on legislation introduced during the 109th, 110th, 111th and 112th Congresses.

Click here to see legislation introduced in the 112th Congress.

Click here to see legislation introduced in the 111th Congress.

Click here to see legislation introduced in the 110th Congress.

Click here to see legislation introduced in the 109th Congress.

Webpages on Specific Issues and Bills

These websites provide detailed information on specific election issues and bills.