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108 Congressmen Urge End to Key LSC Restrictions

108 Members of the House of Representatives signed onto a letter, authored by Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), which calls on participants of the conference committee on the Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations bill to lift the legal services restriction on non-federal funds and the restriction on seeking attorneys’ fees with federal and non-federal funds, and raise LSC’s funding level to $440 million for FY 2010.

Published: September 17, 2009
To download the letter, click here.
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) authored a letter to the Chairs and Ranking Members of the House and Senate’s Commerce-Justice-Science (CJS) Appropriations subcommittees, urging the repeal of key legal services restrictions when the two chambers’ FY 2010 CJS bills are reconciled in conference committee. Specifically, the letter seeks: 1) the repeal of the legal services restriction on non-federal funds (included in the Senate version of the bill); 2) the repeal of the restriction on seeking attorneys’ fees (included in the House version of the bill); and 3) an increase in funding for LSC at a suggested level of $440 million for FY10.
In total, 108 Representatives signed onto the letter.