What We’re Reading: a daily round-up of quick hits, clips, and opinion pieces touching on key issues of democracy, justice, liberty and national security.
Brennan Center report, The Truth About Voter Fraud is cited in an article by The Huffington Post, debating whether the concern of voter fraud is to protect or suppress voters.
“How 9/11 Transformed the Intelligence Community” James Clapper, director of National Intelligence, comments on the successes of intelligence gathering. Former Bush Justice Department official John Yoo provides a counterpoint op-ed, "Ten Years Without an Attack."
Citizens United allowed unlimited corporate money to influence elections, but the decision also promised this money would be disclosed. John C. Coates and Taylor Lincoln write on how the SEC could fulfill this promise by requiring disclosure of corporate political spending.
The New York Times and The National Law Journal report on changes to civil liberties and national security since 9/11.