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  • New York State Public Campaign Finance Board Asks for $114.5 Million in FY 2023-2024 New York State Budget; Fair Elections for New York Coalition Reacts
Press Release

New York State Public Campaign Finance Board Asks for $114.5 Million in FY 2023–2024 New York State Budget; Fair Elections for New York Coalition Reacts

The statewide public campaign finance program needs enough funding in the upcoming budget to ensure a successful first election cycle.

Last Updated: December 16, 2022
Published: December 15, 2022

For Immediate Release
December 16, 2022

Julian Brookes, Brennan Center for Justice:, 646–673–6224
Cassady Fendlay, Citizen Action New York:, 908–499–3380

Yesterday the New York State Public Campaign Finance Board voted on its budget request for FY 2023–2024. The board’s commissioners approved a request totaling $114.5 million, including $100 million for future matching funds for participating campaigns and $14.5 million for program administration. The new program launched on November 9 and will provide public matching funds to participating candidates for state offices beginning with the 2024 legislative elections. 

The Fair Elections for New York coalition — which includes the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU Law, Citizen Action New York, Citizens Union, Common Cause/NY, Dutchess County Progressive Action Alliance, Indivisible Nation BK, League of Women Voters of New York State, Make the Road New York, New York Immigration Coalition, New York Public Interest Research Group, New York Working Families Party, Reinvent Albany, and Stand Up America, among other organizations — made the following statement:

“Our coalition enthusiastically supports the Public Campaign Finance Board’s FY 2023–2024 budget request. The fiscal year ahead will be critical to the success of New York’s public financing system. Candidates and voters alike will need to learn how the matching system works and how to participate, and the agency must have funding for the staff and infrastructure to make that possible. These funds will also be essential for candidate and small donor confidence in the program’s viability.

“With the resources our state’s leaders have already provided the agency to date, the board’s commissioners and staff were able to prepare the program for its November launch, including developing trainings and educational materials for candidates and the public.

“Governor Hochul, Majority Leader Stewart-Cousins, and Speaker Heastie must ensure that the agency can continue this essential work by including the $100 million for future matching funds and the $14.5 million for program administration that the Public Campaign Financing Board requested in the FY 2023–2024 budget. In a state where big donors have dominated elections for decades, sufficient funding for this program is a long-needed investment in the voices of New York voters. With adequate funding, New York’s public financing program will be a national model. We urge Governor Hochul, Majority Leader Stewart-Cousins, and Speaker Heastie to ensure that the board receives the resources it needs in the next state budget.”


About Fair Elections for New York – Fair Elections for New York is a coalition of 200+ organizations that believe New Yorkers deserve a responsive, accountable government. To tackle the crises we face in housing, living wage jobs, criminal justice, affordable health care, transportation, climate, fair taxes, and more, we must protect and expand our democracy to ensure it is responsive to the majority of people, not just the wealthy and well-connected.