For Immediate Release
Monday September 19, 2005
Contact Information:
Wendy Weiser, 212 998–6130
Justin Levitt, 212 992–8158
Analysis Finds Serious Flaws With New Jersey Voter Fraud Report
New York, NY—Today, the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law and Spencer Overton, Commissioner on the Commission on Federal Election Reform and law professor at George Washington University School of Law, acting together on behalf of the National Network on State Election Reform, released a detailed rebuttal to several recommendations contained in the final report of the 2005 Commission on Federal Election Reform. The rebuttal is a fact-based, step-by-step analysis of some of the Commissions more controversial recommendations.
We were disappointed by the Commissions deficient process and lack of openness, said Wendy Weiser, Associate Counsel at the Brennan Center, and the results are unfortunately reflected in the Commissions uneven recommendations. Added Professor Overton, This rebuttal presents sorely needed empirical data and thoughtful analysis for scholars and policymakers seeking to follow up on the Commissions report.
The rebuttal is available here on the Brennan Center’s website and also at
The Brennan Center for Justice unites thinkers and advocates in pursuit of a vision of inclusive and effective democracy.