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Expert Availability: Attorney General Sessions Asset Forfeiture & Drug War Announcements

Attorney General Jeff Sessions is expected to announce an expansion of the government’s asset forfeiture program

July 19, 2017
Attorney General Jeff Sessions is expected to announce an expansion of the government’s asset forfeiture program. Such programs have a history of abuse, and can deprive innocent people of their property without due process. The plan has already drawn criticism from Republicans, such as Congressman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) andSenator Rand Paul (R-Ky.).
Ahead of the announcement, the Brennan Center issued the following statement. “Sessions has continually shown himself to be out of step with his own party on criminal justice,” said Ames Grawert, Counsel in the Brennan Center’s Justice Program. “Most Republican support reining in controversial asset forfeiture programs. That Sessions would instead expand asset forfeiture should give Republicans and Democrats significant pause.”
Next week, Sessions is also expected to release a report from his violent crime reduction task force, which could double-down on failed drug war policies and expand immigration enforcement.
For more on the Brennan Center’s predictions and analysis of Sessions’ actions on criminal justice, see Sen. Jeff Sessions’ Record on Criminal Justiceand Criminal Justice in President Trump’s First 100 Days.
To set up an interview, contact Rebecca Autrey at or 646–292–8316.