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The Supermajority - How the Supreme Court Divided America

The Brennan Center has convened a council of expert historians from leading institutions nationwide to help change the national legal conversation on history and the Constitution. Below, you will find a regularly updated collection of their op-eds and media appearances on these issues.

Op-Eds by Council Members


Jack Rakove on Presidential Immunity

MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell is joined by Pulitzer Prize-winning Stanford history professor Jack Rakove to discuss Donald Trump's understanding of presidential immunity and the friend-of-the-court brief to the Supreme Court on presidential immunity Rakove helped draft.

Media Appearances by Council Members

Supreme Court at Dusk

Holly Brewer on Insurrection and SCOTUS Oral Arguments

NPR’s The Colin McEnroe Show is joined by historian Holly Brewer to discuss Donald Trump’s claims of presidential immunity.