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Drawing the Line: How Redistricting Impacts Latino Communities in Texas

Hispanic Federation and the Brennan Center are co-hosting a series of panels that will provide an update on the redistricting process in several key states.

This is a virtual event
  • Ingrid Alvarez
  • ,
  • Michael Li
  • ,
  • Lydia Camarillo
  • Nina Perales
Drawing the Line: How Redistricting Impacts Latino Communities in Texas

Hispanic Feder­­a­­tion and the Bren­nan Center are co-host­ing a series of panels that will provide an update on the redis­­trict­ing process in North Caro­lina, Flor­ida, Texas, and Geor­­­gia. Panel­ists will discuss the impact that the new maps will have on the Latino community, upcom­ing elec­­tions, and repres­ent­a­­tion at all levels.

  • Texas: Thursday, April 7 | 1 p.m. ET
    Speakers: Michael Li, Senior Counsel, Democracy, Brennan Center; Lydia Camarillo, President, Southwest Voter Registration Education Project; Nina Perales, Vice President of Litigation, Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund; Moderator: Ingrid Alvarez, Vice President for Policy and Strategic Engagement, Hispanic Federation
  • Geor­­­gia: Thursday, April 14 | 11 a.m. ET
    Speakers: Gigi Pedraza, Chief Executive Officer & Founder, Latino Community Fund Georgia; Yurij Rudensky, Senior Counsel, Democracy, Brennan Center; Jackie Colón, Southeast Regional Director, NALEO Educational Fund; Jerry Gonzalez, Chief Executive Officer, GALEO; Genny Castillo, Regional Engagement Director, Southern Economic Advancement Project; Moderator: Frankie Miranda, President & CEO, Hispanic Federation

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