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What We’re Reading Today: Barriers to the Ballot

A daily round-up of quick hits, clips, and opinion pieces touching on key issues of democracy, justice, liberty and national security.

  • Molly Alarcon
October 3, 2011

What We’re Reading: a daily round-up of quick hits, clips, and opinion pieces touching on key issues of democracy, justice, liberty and national security.

The New York Times features the Brennan Center’s new report on voter suppression laws on today’s front page: “New State Rules Raising Hurdles at Voting Booth

Think Progress picks up the story in their “Morning Briefing,” as does the Denver Post: “Study: States’ voter laws may affect 5 million

At The New Yorker, Jane Mayer describes ground zero for the Citizens United fallout, North Carolina.

“Many political watchers say the 2012 presidential campaign is shaping up to be the most expensive election cycle in American history. One reason: the growing influence of political action committees, independent groups that raise money largely from corporations, trade unions and the wealthy.” – NPR

The Supreme Court begins a crucial and much anticipated term today, David Savage reports at The Los Angeles Times.

Ballot News has a roundup of recently filed redistricting lawsuits.