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What We’re Reading: Realtime Disclosure

A daily round-up of quick hits, clips, and opinion pieces touching on key issues of democracy, justice, liberty and national security.

  • Andrew Goldston
August 3, 2011

What We’re Reading: a daily round-up of quick hits, clips, and opinion pieces touching on key issues of democracy, justice, liberty and national security.

GOP Sen. David Vitter wants realtime disclosure of large donations to all members of the “super committee” on deficit reduction created in the recent debt-limit deal in Congress.

The White House has a draft of a new strategy to fight violent extremism, focused less on top-down federal involvement and more on community-directed efforts.

The White House also invoked the state secrets privilege to dismiss part of a lawsuit claiming the FBI conducted unconstitutional surveillance operations in Southern California.

Common Cause analyzes the current district lines ahead of the New York redistricting body’s Capitol Region hearing, this Thursday.