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45 House Members Call for the Repeal of Three of the Major LSC Restrictions

Members of Congress call on the Chair and Ranking Member of the House Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations Subcommittee to repeal three of the major restrictions on legal services providers receiving grants from the federal Legal Services Corporation.

Published: June 5, 2009

To download the letter, click here.

This letter, author by Representatives Steve Cohen and Jerrold Nadler, calls on the Chair and Ranking Member of the House Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations Subcommittee to lift three of the major restrictions on legal services providers receiving grants from the federal Legal Services Corporation (LSC) in the FY 2010 appropriations process.

Specifically, these 45 Members of Congress urge the repeal of:

  • the non-LSC funds restriction;
  • the restriction prohibiting LSC grantees from using their LSC funds to participate in class actions; and
  • the restriction prohibiting LSC grantees from using their LSC funds to seek attorneys’ fees. 

President Obama also called for the repeal of these three restrictions in his FY 2010 budget.  To read more about the President’s budget recommendation, click here.