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Election Day Registration Legislation in the 109th Congress

Published: January 26, 2009
Bill No. Short Title Sponsors Date Introduced Related Bills Description
S. 17 Voting Opportunity and Technology Enhancement Rights Act of 2005 Dodd January 24, 2005   Among other things, this bill would require states to allow an individual to register to vote on Election Day and cast a vote in that election.
S. 450 Count Every Vote Act of 2005 Clinton February 17, 2005 H.R. 939 This is an omnibus election reform bill that seeks to address a number of election administration problems that arose in the 2004 federal elections.  Among other things, this bill would require each state to permit individuals to register and vote at their polling places on Election Day.
H.R. 496 Same Day Voter Registration Act of 2005 Sabo February 1, 2005   This bill would establish voter registration at poll sites on Election Day.
H.R. 533 Voting Opportunity and Technology Enhancement Rights Act of 2005 Conyers February 2, 2005   The provisions of this election reform bill are very similar to those in S. 17 and would address many election administration problems in the same way.
H.R. 939 Count Every Vote Act of 2005 Jones February 17, 2005 S. 450 This omnibus election reform bill seeks to address a number of election administration problems that arose in the 2004 federal elections.  The provisions of this bill are similar to those in S. 450.
H. J. Res. 28   Jackson March 2, 2005   This joint resolution would amend the Constitution to ensure that the right to vote is not abridged in any way and permit voter registration on the day of an election.
H.R. 3557 Voter Outreach and Turnout Expansion Act of 2005 Hastings July 28, 2005   Among other things, this bill would amend the Help America Vote Act to require states to permit individuals to register to vote at poll sites on Election Day. If individuals’ voter registration applications are received after the voter registration deadline, states must notify individuals of their ability to register to vote at their polling places on Election Day.