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What We’re Reading Today: The Fundamental Right

A daily round-up of quick hits, clips, and opinion pieces touching on key issues of democracy, justice, liberty and national security.

  • Molly Alarcon
September 28, 2011

The New York Times’ editorial board defends Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act and praises Judge Bates’ recent decision in Shelby County v. Holder.

Expert cites evidence of voting discrimination in L.A. County: “The evidence is clear and strong that discrimination continues in the county of Los Angeles. The day is not yet here to dismiss the Voting Rights Act.” (Los Angeles Times)

Executives from major US corporations are speaking out against undisclosed corporate campaign spending in elections, Bloomberg reports.

MSNBC and The Huffington Post outline the erosion of campaign finance reform laws in the past decade.

Some state legislators in Maine who took advantage of same-day voter registration then voted to eliminate the rule, the Bangor Daily News reports.

Campus Progress recommends the Brennan Center as a go-to resource on voter ID.