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What We’re Reading: NY Public Financing

What We’re Reading: a daily round-up of quick hits, clips, and opinion pieces touching on key issues of democracy, justice, liberty and national security.

  • Erik Opsal
July 6, 2011

What We’re Reading: a daily round-up of quick hits, clips, and opinion pieces touching on key issues of democracy, justice, liberty and national security.

Newsday runs an op-ed from the Brennan Center’s Mark Ladov and Lawrence Norden on how New York City should be a model for public financing.

The Wall Street Journal highlights two issues on redistricting: Hispanics pushing for a bigger swath of the electoral map and the use of the Voting Rights Act to shape districts.

A victory for language access in California. In Alameda County, election officials will "step up efforts to assist Chinese and Spanish-speaking voters" on Election Day.

Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) and two reform groups sued the FEC to increase disclosure requirements of political spending.

A University of Baltimore Law Professor writes that it’s time to “overrule the Supreme Court on campaign finance reform.”

And is Stephen Colbert’s Super PAC a good thing? Yes, says a WNYC blogger, because it brings attention to an issue that many people don’t understand.